Writes polyline in DXF LTCustomizer21 for AutoCAD LT reference manual

Sub write_DXF_polyline([option As Integer])
void WINAPI LTC_write_DXF_polyline(short int option=0);

option:parameter means bit codes.
bit code 1:sets closed polyline.
bit code 2:sets 3D polyline.
bit code 4:sets polyline mesh(polygon surfaces).

write_DXF_polyline is initializing function to specify type of polyline. After this function executes, call write_DXF_polyline_vertex() and finally call write_DXF_polyline_end().
If you set bit code 4(surface), you also add bit code 2(3D polyline), LTCustomizer21 writes 3D polyline with surface data. Surface data is invisible if shade command does not execute on AutoCAD LT.
When you set surface, you don't have to consider clockewise or counterclockwise about infomation of vertexes. But about intersected polyline, behavior of LTCustomizer21 that makes surface is indefinate.

1. If you want to set line style,etc, set after you execute LTC_write_DXF_polyline.
2. Data type LTC_write_DXF_polyline writes is is POLYLINE. not LWPOLYLINE.
