Gets point user directs by mouse on AutoCAD LT LTCustomizer21 for AutoCAD LT reference manual

    Function get_mouse_point(ByRef x As Double, ByRef y As Double, ByRef z As Double) As Boolean
    int WINAPI LTC_get_mouse_point(double xyz[3]);

x,y,z:got coordinates

xyz[]:got coordinates. 1st index indicates X, 2nd indicates Y, 3rd indicates Z.

return value
ActiveX:True: success False( failure)
C/C++: 1: success .0: failure

This function executes id command on AutoCAD LT. Then this function reads value of LASTPOINT(system variable). Use this function when you want to make interactive user interface. If you want to get data of high precision, see sample code below this help. (Visual Basic sample)

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x, y, z As Double
Dim str As String

'ltc means LTCustomizer21 object.
If ltc.command2("_point") = True Then
        'Gets latest data that is drawn by user through binary DXF.
        If ltc.Select("_L ", "", "_V R12 B") = 1 Then
            ltc.command2 ("_erase _p ")
            x = ltc.get_select_double_data(0, 10)
            y = ltc.get_select_double_data(0, 20)
            z = ltc.get_select_double_data(0, 30)
            'confirms values
            str = "X = " + CStr(x) + " Y = " + CStr(y) + " Z = " + CStr(z)
            MsgBox (str)
    End If
End If

End Sub
