Gets rectangle information from data user directed on AutoCAD LT LTCustomizer21 for AutoCAD LT reference manual

    Function get_mouse_rect(ByRef right_x As Double, ByRef top_y As Double, ByRef z1 As Double, ByRef left_x As Double, ByRef down_y As Double, ByRef z2 As Double) As Boolean
    int WINAPI LTC_get_mouse_rect(double rightup[3],double leftdown[3]);

right_x,top_y,z1,rightup[]:Upper right hand coordinate(In case of C/C++, 1st index indicates X, 2nd indicates Y, 3rd indicates Z.)
left_x,down_y,z2,leftdown[]:Left down coordinate(In case of C/C++, 1st index indicates X, 2nd indicates Y, 3rd indicates Z.)

return value
ActiveX:True: success False: failure
C/C++: 1: success .0: failure

This function executes rectang on AutoCAD LT and reads coordinates of last rectangle. Use this function when you want to make interactive user interface.

In case of using User Coordinates System(UCS) in AutoCAD LT, coordinates of return value is on UCS. When this function want to use on World Coordinates System(WCS), execute below sentence beforehand.
ex:command2("_UCS _W")
