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LTCustomizer21 is an ActiveX control using AutoCAD LT DDE or AutoCAD DDE.
LTCustomizer21 is replace version of LTCustomizer and LTCustomizer21 supports AutoCAD LT2014 or later version. In addition supports old version of AutoCAD LT such LT2000.
Applications using LTCustomizer21 can control AutoCAD LT from outside. You can develop LTCutomizer21 application various develop environment not only Visual Basic but Visual C++ and so on to be possible to use as conventional DLL functions. To use LTCustomizer21, you can send command to acad and input or output using DXF file from your application. In Addition you can make special function on Acad because LTCustomizer21 can watch Acad command line by real time.
LTCustomizer21 is shareware. In case of using as trial edition, LTCustomizer21 displays advertisement. If environment not displaying ad, LTCustomizer21 is valid only 10min. But if you execute LTCustomizer21 21 application again, you can use 10min again. Almost all functions of LTCustomizer21 can use even if trial edition.
(Distribution and purchase of LTCustomizer21 was ended at 16th Feb. 2020)
Explanation of sample applications
Change points from LTCustomizer
Settings of Integrated Development Environment to use LTCustomizer21
Basic functions
Initialize or termination functions init() term()
Sends strings to acad command line - command() command2()
Sends strings to acad command line to fine control - command3()
Gets status of Acad - IsRunningCAD() ready()
Gets system variables on Acad - getvar()
Gets environment(registry) variables on Acad - getenv()
Executes DIESEL expression - execute_diesel()
Gets error codes on LTCustomizer21 - get_last_error_code()
Supports foregin language edtion of Acad - set_cmdline_msg()
Manipulation of selected CAD data.
Gets selected cad data
Gets selected cad data(basic function) -Gets floating point data on acad - get_select_double_data()
Gets points data - get_select_point()
Gets line data - get_select_line()
Gets layer name - get_select_layer()
Gets color code - get_select_color()
Gets line style - get_select_linestyle()
Gets arc info - get_select_arc()
Gets circle info - get_select_circle()
Modifies selected cad data
Modifies selected CAD data(basic function) - set_select_data()
Modifies layer name - set_select_layer()Modifies color code - set_select_color()
Modifies line style - set_select_linestyle()
Modifies points data - set_select_point()
Modifies vertexes of polyline - set_select_polyline_vertex()
Modifies line - set_select_line()
Modifies arc info - set_select_arc()
Modifies circle info - set_select_circle()
Modifies text info - set_select_text()
Deletes selected cad data - delete_select_data()
Updates modified selected cad data to acad - update_select_data()
Script functions
Initialize - start_script()
Writes scripts - write_script()
Executes scripts - execute_script()
Writes DXF file DXF files to send Acad
Initialize - start_DXF()
Writes DXF data (basic function) - write_DXFentities()
Sets layer name - set_DXF_entities_layer()
Sets color code - set_DXF_entities_color()
Sets line style - write_DXF_entities_linestyle()
Initialize polyline - write_DXF_polyline()
Writes polyline vertex - write_DXF_polyline_vertex()
Terminates polyline - write_DXF_polyline_end()
Writes points info - write_DXF_point()
Writes line - write_DXF_line()
Writes circle - write_DXF_circle()
Writes arc - write_DXF_arc()
Writes text - write_DXF_text()
Sends DXF file to Acad - output_DXF()
Gets DXF TABLE data
Initialize or read - read_DXF_table()
Gets table data - get_table_data()
Utility functions
Activates Acad - activateCAD()
Sends cancel string to Acad - cancel()
Gets points using mouse on Acad- get_mouse_point()
Gets rectangle info using mouse on Acad - get_mouse_rect()
Gets Window handle of Acad - get_CADHwnd()
Activates specific DWG on Acad - activateDWG()
Skip Acad command line info - skip_cmdline_msg()
Gets current or before strings on Acad command line - get_cmdline_history_text() get_cmdline_text()
User defined functions
Initialize - enable_extra_command()
Sets specific trigger word to recognize as user defined function - set_extra_word()
Disables automatically deletion of user defined command string on Acad - disable_delete_extra_command()
Gets specific string (Event) - LTC_get_extra_string() OnGetUserDefinedCmd
Watches specific strings on Acad command line - add_watch_cmdline_string()
Registration ,etc
certified as regular user in LTCustomizer21 - certify_user.htm()
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